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What to Pack in your Hospital Bag for giving Birth in Dublin, or anywhere in Ireland really | Dublin Maternity Photographer

15 January 2025

If you’re currently planning for your birth, I have something for you that you’re going to love !

newborn photography dublin

I’m talking about packing your hospital bag, but this isn’t an ordinary list.

This is one crafted JUST FOR Irish Mums planning a med-free, natural birth or to be honest a whatever way baby decides to arrive kinda birth, they all have their own entrance plan !  😍

I remember when I was packing my bag there were lists everywhere. I like to be organised so I had all the bits I needed really early. I had put my son’s cot together so I put all the things I needed into the cot ready to pack my bag, when the time arrived.

Good job I did do that because he decided to arrive for Halloween instead of Christmas !! I was able to send my hubby home and say "everything in the cot, put it in a bag and bring it in" !! Bullet dodged !! Imagine trying to explain to some one all the things that you need for you bag 😬

Ready to get started? Let’s make sure your bag is packed with everything you need to feel prepared for your birth.

First things first, bring plenty of snacks and your favourite drinks.

Always thinking about my stomach, this was the most important to me.

There are a few things you'll want to make sure you have on hand to keep your energy up during labor.

Pack snacks that are high in protein and easy to eat on the go, like granola bars or nuts. You'll also want to bring along a water bottle or two, as staying hydrated is key during labor.

Consider bringing sports drinks (no caffeine obvs), or something else to replenish electrolytes.

It's always a good idea to have a few changes of clothes with you in case your labor goes longer than expected. After all, you never know what might happen during childbirth!

For natural birth, you want to pack items that will keep you comfortable and relaxed

There are a few things you can bring to the hospital to help make your natural birth more comfortable and relaxed.

Consider bringing a loose-fitting nightgown or robe. This will help you stay comfortable during labor, and it will also make it easier for nurses and doctors to check your progress (if you choose). Fluffy socks too incase you get cold feet.

Bring some washcloths and towels, as well as your favourite face cream & lip balm. These can be used to wipe your face and body during labor, and the lotion can be used to keep your skin from getting too dry.

Also, if you'd like any essential oils, your own pillow or other relaxation techniques that you want to use during labor. This could include a diffuser and some lavender oil, or a positive affirmations deck. 

I used Gentlebirthing techniques. I listened to the guided meditations the whole way through my pregnancy and had affirmations written everywhere. I found it really, really helpful, even when my ‘plans’ changed and my wee man decided to arrive so early. I also used it the second time to prepare for a c-section, it kept me relaxed & in the zone before surgery becasue I was super nervous about having a c-section again. Turns out there was no need to be so scared, a 'planned' section is soooooo much less stressful than an emergency one !

If you're planning on breastfeeding, pack a nursing bra and some nursing pads

Here's a list of items you could pack in your hospital bag:

●      A nursing pillow: This will help you to position your baby correctly while breastfeeding.

●      Nursing pads: These absorb leakage and help to keep your clothing dry.

●      Breast milk storage bags: These can be used to store expressed milk for later use.

●      Lanolin cream: This can be used to soothe sore nipples.

●      A water bottle: This will help you to stay hydrated while nursing.

By packing these items in your hospital bag, you'll be prepared to start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is born!

I ended up doing the full gamut of feeding both times, pumping, breastfeeding, nipple shields, the whole works lols !

Next, if you're having a water birth, make sure to pack a top that can get wet or a swimsuit.

Water births can provide a more relaxed birth experience. If you're planning on having a water birth, there are a few things you'll need to bring with you to the hospital.

Consider bringing a swimsuit, a two piece ideally. You'll also need a large towel to dry off after the birth, and a small towel to place under your head while you're in the tub.

Don't forget to bring your hypnobirthing audio or other calm meditations you might want to listen to during labor! Water births can be an incredible experience! I really would have loved to experience one but my babies had other plans !

Of course, don't forget your newborn photographer!

Just thought I’d pop this in here, you can’t put me in your bag unfortunately, but you can book me in advance so I’m ready to go once bubs has made his/her arrival πŸ™‚

So what do you need to pack exactly ...... I've put together a list for you, never fear !

I have put together a full & comprehensive list for you. Click below to download it for absolutely free. Sorry I’m an organisation freak so it gives me immense pleasure to recruit people to the ‘organised club’ πŸ™‚

I have broken this checklist down into two bags, one for labour and one for the ward. This saves you dragging in a big bag to the labour ward !

Download my free checklist and make sure you have everything you need! There is space there to write in your own bits and bobs too so you have it all in the one spot.ο»Ώ

And don't forget, if you're looking for a Dublin Newborn Photographer, I'd love to chat with you about capturing amazing images of  your beautiful baba.

Linda xxx

The Baby Whisperer

Click here to Contact me Click here to see more of my newborn images Click here to get your FREE Hospital Bag Packing list ☺️
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